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P. O. Box 3175

Oak Park, IL 60303


Charles Pastors,

Acting Executive Director






The Consortium for Illinois Learning Communities (CILC) was founded in 2002 to support regional academic institutions that are offering interdisciplinary learning communities, related learner-centered pedagogies, and the faculty development that supports them.

Communication between Illinois educational institutions is crucial to the development of the learning communities movement.  Just as we strive to build communities with our students, we must also work on building communities with faculty, administrators and our institutions.  Together we can make a more significant impact on the success of our students.  The consortium keeps members informed of national and regional learning community conferences and events.

There is no need for each institution to “re-invent” the wheel, when other institutions are readily available with expertise in all areas of program development.   Sharing information, experiences, and failures become extremely important when developing innovative programs.

To support institutions and their learning communities programs, the CILC offers:

  • An annual Symposium of Best Practices in April, hosted by a member institution, where faculty and administrators from across Illinois and beyond gather to present on innovative programs, marketing strategies, faculty development, assessment efforts, and other relevant issues (for more information, click the Symposium link on the home page);
  • Inter-Institution Assessment projects, including the Online Student Survey from the Washington Center;
  • On-site workshops by representatives of CILC member institutions to colleges just starting or wanting to develop further their learning community initiatives. For more information, see Customized workshops for member institution
  • A website which serves as a repository for news, announcements, and links to resources connected to learning communities.

Institutions who join the CILC receive discounts on symposium registrations and workshop fees; for more information on how to become a member, go to the Membership link on this web site.

To view our By-Laws, click here: CILC bylaws final approved draft